This blog post is dedicated to all those organizers who put their heart and sweat in making this event happen.
Ink Live 2013 happened in Kochi and starting from the Venue which was easily accessible and the friendly smiles with which i was received in the Registration Desk deserves a special mention. For the first time, I felt I belonged there when I wore my Attendee Card. The way in which the card helps us to flaunt about what we are interested in clearly indicated we were about to experience something different.

One of my favorite authors Varun Agarwal interacted with us to start off and that moment when i told him that his book was the only book which i completed in one go and the approving nod and smile from him will be cherished forever. Had enough time to click a picture with him as well 🙂

For any event or experience to be memorable/special, you need to have good company. Not everyday you come across people who like what you like. This time its not so. I got three good friends @ INK Live 2013 – Danny Simon, Surbhi Bafna and Dhanya P. Had a great fun attending the talks together, clicking pictures, exploring the places. If you guys are reading this – A big Hi
The Speakers coming from diverse backgrounds shared their ideas / journey / future plans. Really enjoyed listening to Singer Usha Uthup. She proved she could give any English pop star a run for money by singing Skyfall by Adele. Her sense of humor was profound and I was listening to her with my mouth wide open. Some speakers were inspirational, some were innovative, some were very informative. And Ink Live team was very thoughtful in bringing few of the Speakers for the Speaker Interaction sessions.
Ever wondered how it would be when there were more than 300 drummers playing at the same time like Pros. Had been to a drum jam session earlier but this one was splendid. Vasundhara Das and her partner took us through a fun filled session. The Hall was filled with smiles and the smiles were the end product of the realization that even we can play music without any practical training or lessons.
Though the website said only one workshop was allowed per person, when there was room for a particular workshop we were given a chance too and that’s when the below picture came into existence. Made new friends and the workshop facilitator was so kind enough to hand us some models to take back home.

The Contests were so innovative that everyone wanted to give it a try. This helped us to engage ourselves all the time. Though I did not win any contests, I was really content to have participated in the same. The Coconut Juice Stall which could have very well been a workshop was our hangout. Weird Combinations were awesome :P.
If all the above was informative and interesting, here comes the fun part in the form of our host Kenny. He nailed it totally when he came up with a song with the random words we came up with. Presence of Mind Level – Veteran. I will always remember him saying ” All this while, You were dying to say Dustbin ? “. And Sarthak part was hilarious.
It was a fitting end to the Event when the host team was introduced to all of Us. I clapped like crazy because this event has changed the way i think about Writing, introduced me to exciting ideas, gave like minded friends, fun filled sessions and it wouldn’t have been possible without the Host Team.
Once again you gave your best for all of Us and a BIG Thank You from a INK 2013 Attendee 🙂
Looking forward to contribute in one way or the other for the next edition.
And the experience was something not to be forgotten! Well written Sunder! And ofcourse we met other celebrities like Surbhi! 🙂
A big Hiiiii Sundar 🙂
A memorable event nicely drafted by you. Why have you brushed off the “Blunder day” 😛
Well !!! Thanks Sundar and everyone for making the INK 2013, Kochi event a really blessed meeting. 🙂
And yes I have noted you have used smiles in abundance.:P
Silly Smiles… Take you Miles 🙂