100 is a Special Number. Be it Sachin’s century or someone blessing you for a happy life of 100 years – 100 is awesome. We at Coimbatore Toastmasters Club were awaiting this milestone meeting for weeks together and it was certainly a great start for the Year. Here let’s go through the tit bits of the Meeting.

The Venue was the Conference Hall in Hotel Annalakshmi – in the heart of the city. The Chief Guest of the Meeting was Shri Shankar Vanavarayar, JC of Kumaraguru College of Technology and the Guest of Honor was Mr.Ramaswamy Nandagopal, Director of PSG Institute of Management.

Sergeant @ Arms Tm Nivetha welcomed the audience with warm thoughts on the milestone meeting and introduced the President TM Sundaresan to deliver his Presidential Address. He welcomed the guests and toastmasters and gave a brief idea about what Toastmasters was all about and how special is Coimbatore Toastmasters Club being the only club in the cotton city.

He passed on the control to TM Shantanu and TM Neethu, the Toastmasters for the evening. They helmed the meeting from start till the end with pleasing smiles and made sure the hall was entertained with their simple yet effective humor. Loved the way they introduced the role takers and Speakers especially TM Veerappan.

Seasoned Toastmaster TM Nassar was the General Evaluator of the Day and he made the audience comfortable with the roles of the tag team and himself.

TM Anmol took his ACS P1 from Special Occasion Speeches Manual and what a fitting toast to Entrepreneurship as he is personally stepping into his fourth year in Entrepreneurship.

TM Nivetha completed her Competent Communicator with an inspiring speech on Prevention of Killer Disease Cancer and she clearly emphasized the vital points with examples and a personal story.

TM Sandheep was the Table Topics Master of the Day and he surprised everyone by inviting the Chief Guest of the day Shri Shankar Vanavarayar for a table topic which he aced with ease.

The next was the evaluation which was taken care of by the General Evaluator TM ACB Nassar. The individual evaluators were TM ACB Sivakumar Palaniappan and TM CC Sundaresan for TM Nivetha and TM Anmol respectively.

The evaluation was followed by the Chief guest’s address and Coimbatore Toastmasters was fortunate to listen to one of the most inspiring persons from Coimbatore – Shri Shankar Vanavarayar. This address added a whole lot of value to the magnanimity of the Meeting and it was interesting to hear the personal experiences of the Chief guest that was related to Public Speaking.

TM Harish had done a splendid job with the Newsletter by collecting our thoughts and shaping them into a compact yet powerful newsletter. He has also promised a monthly newsletter from January 2014.

Tm ACB Sivakumar Palaniappan shared his personal experiences with Toastmasters and how it shaped him to become a better speaker and a leader.

We had five new members inducted into the Club on the 100th Meeting and it was a great moment for them being inducted amidst the icons of Coimbatore.

Now comes the moment which everyone is waiting for – the new team which is going to take Coimbatore Toastmasters Club to greater heights this term.

From left to right : TM Naren ( Sergeant @ Arms), TM ACB Nassar ( Treasurer), TM Sarveshwaran ( Secretary), TM Rajeesh ( VP – PR), TM Gopal ( VP – Membership), TM Nivetha ( VP – Education) and wait for it TM Sandheep ( The President of CTC)

We were about to take a group click with all our Toastmaster friends when we found someone missing – TM Gopal VP Membership had already started performing his duties with the 66 Guests we had on the Meeting Day

Thus the story of the 100 th Meeting comes to an end and the Toastmasters and the Guests who graced the meeting lived happily ever after 🙂
Excellent consolidation of our 100th meeting. Highlights are the excellent photos and related contents. Awesome work Sundaresan.
Excellent to see the detailed article on our 100th meeting. Nice photos and apt content. Great work Sundaresan.
Thanks Siva. My Pleasure
Great work and a planned execution!!
“And the meeting lived happily ever after”.:)
Excellent write-up of 100th Coimbatore Toastmasters meeting.
Kudos Mr. President TM. 🙂